Saturday, July 4, 2009


Happy Independence Day!

[click all photos to see them fullsize!]

Spent the evening at Birch Bay for fireworks. There were so many people there!
We were situated in about the middle of the U-shape of the bay, so this picture is just the view on the right:

This whole stretch of land was crowned with fireworks! [click to enlarge!]
Here you can see people sitting right next to us. The beach was packed.

One of my first shots just after sunset - you can just make out the shape of the bay as the fireworks began.

Morgan's family has gone here nearly every year for a long time but couldn't make it this year. We kept the tradition going by meeting up with some friends and bringing some beer. :)

I've been looking forward to firework photos for my PROJECT 365. How could I choose just one for my daily photo? Here are a many more!

[click to enlarge!]

And of course, some sky shots of the explosions :)

All in all, a glorious evening!